ext_tools.yosys_interface module

ext_tools.yosys_interface.ic3(file_in, flags, top_module, f_call_and_remove=1)

Creates a Yosys script that invokes Yosys and performs circuit validation using the sat command.

  • file_in (str) – The absolute path to the input circuit file containing an SQCC in Verilog or Blif format.
  • flags (str) – String containing flag parameters for the sat command.
  • top_module (str) – The name of the input circuit’s top level module.
  • f_call_and_remove (int, optional) – Flag specifying whether the script should be executed and then removed (1) or not (0). This also has an effect on the return value. Default value is 1.

The exit code of the script execution if f_call_and_remove is set to 1, otherwise the absolute path to the script file. The script is not executed in this case.

ext_tools.yosys_interface.readFiles(files, file_out, top_module, f_call_and_remove=1, f_check_hierarchy=1, f_flatten=1, f_opt=1, f_noattr=1)

Creates a Yosys script that reads a set of files into Yosys, performs a number of optional checks and optimizations and writes the resulting circuit into another file.

  • files (list of str) – A list of absolute file paths for circuit files in Verilog of Blif format to read.
  • file_out (str) – The absolute path to the output file to which the resulting circuit is written in Verilog or Blif format.
  • top_module (str) – The name of the top level module of the resulting circuit.
  • f_call_and_remove (int, optional) – Flag specifying whether the script should be executed and then removed (1) or not (0). Default value is 1.
  • f_check_hierarchy (int, optional) – Flag specifying whether a hierarchy check verifying that top_module is the top level module should be executed (1) or not (0). Default value is (1).
  • f_flatten (int, optional) – Flag specifying whether the resulting circuit’s hierarchy should be flattened (1) or not. Default value is 1.
  • f_opt (int, optional) – Flag specifying whether the resulting circuit should be optimized (1) or not (0). Default value is 1.
  • f_noattr (int, optional) – Flag specifying whether the -noattr flag should be used for writing the resulting circuit to a Verilog file (1) or not (0). Default value is 1.

The absolute path of the generated script file. Note that the file will be removed if f_call_and_remove is set to 1.

ext_tools.yosys_interface.verilogToBlif(file_in, file_out, top_module=None, f_call_and_remove=True, f_flatten=False)

Creates a Yosys script that converts a Verilog circuit file to Blif format.

  • file_in (str) – The absolute path to the input circuit file in Verilog format.
  • file_out (str) – The absolute path to the output circuit file in Blif format.
  • top_module (str, optional) – The name of the top level module to write to the Blif file. If set to None, the auto-top flag will be used to determine the top module name. Default value is None.
  • f_call_and_remove (bool, optional) – Flag specifying whether the script should be executed and then removed (True) or not (False). Default value is True.
  • f_flatten (bool, optional) – Flag specifying whether the resulting circuit in Blif format should be flattened (True) or not (False). Default value is False.

The absolute path of the generated script file. Note that the file will be removed if the f_call_and_remove flag is set to True.

ext_tools.yosys_interface.blifToVerilog(file_in, file_out, top_module, f_wideports=True, f_noattr=True, f_call_and_remove=True, f_flatten=False)
Creates a Yosys script that converts a Blif circuit file to Verilog
  • file_in (str) – The absolute path to the input circuit file in Blif format.
  • file_out (str) – The absolute path to the output circuit file in Verilog format.
  • top_module (str) – The name of the top level module of the input circuit. Will be used for hierarchy check.
  • f_wideports (bool, optional) – Flag specifying whether the wideports flag should be used for reading the Blif file (True) or not (False). Default value is True.
  • f_noattr (bool, optional) – Flag specifying whether the noattr flag should be used for writing the Verilog file (True) or not (False). Default value is True.
  • f_call_and_remove (bool, optional) – Flag specifying whether the script should be executed and then removed (True) or not (False). Default value is True.
  • f_flatten (bool, optional) – Flag specifying whether the resulting circuit in Verilog format should be flattened (True) or not (False). Default value is False.

The absolute path of the generated script file. Note that the file will be removed if the f_call_and_remove flag is set to True.

ext_tools.yosys_interface.extractAndWriteModule(file_in, file_out, top_module, module, f_noattr=1, f_call_and_remove=1)

Creates a Yosys script that reads a Verilog circuit file and writes a single module from that file into another Verilog file.

  • file_in (str) – The absolute path to the input circuit file in Verilog format.
  • file_out (str) – The absolute path to the output circuit file in Verilog format.
  • top_module (str) – The name of the input circuit’s top level module.
  • module (str) – The name of the module to extract from the input circuit.
  • f_noattr (int, optional) – Flag specifying whether the noattr flag should be used for writing the resulting Verilog file (1) or not (0). Default value is 1.
  • f_call_and_remove (int, optional) – Flag specifying whether the script should be executed and then removed (1) or not (0). Default value is 1.

The absolute path of the generated script file. Note that the file will be removed if the f_call_and_remove flag is set to 1.

ext_tools.yosys_interface.replaceModules(file_in, file_out, top_module, files_modules, f_noattr=1, f_call_and_remove=1)

Creates a Yosys script that reads a circuit file into Yosys, replaces a number of modules from that circuit with modules read from other circuit files and writes the result to another file.

  • file_in (str) – The absolute path to the input circuit file in Verilog or Blif format.
  • file_out (str) – The absolute path to the output circuit file in Verilog or Blif format.
  • top_module (str) – The name of the top level module in the input circuit.
  • files_modules (list of tuple) – A list containing tuples (file, module) where module is the name of a module in the input circuit to be replaced and file is the absolute path to a circut file containing the replacement module.
  • f_noattr (int, optional) – Flag specifying whether the noattr flag should be used for writing the resulting circuit (1) or not (0). Default value is 1.
  • f_call_and_remove (int, optional) – Flag specifying whether the script should be called and then removed (1) or not (0). Default value is 1.

The absolute path of the generated script file. Note that the file will be removed if the f_call_and_remove flag is set to 1.

ext_tools.yosys_interface.flattenDesign(file_in, file_out, top_module, f_techmap=1, f_noattr=1, f_call_and_remove=1)

Creates a Yosys script that flattens the design hierarchy, i.e. removes modules and subcircuits, of a circuit design.

This may be needed as a design pre-processing step for ABC.

  • file_in (str) – The absolute path to the input circuit file in Verilog or Blif format.
  • file_out (str) – The absolute path to the output circuit file in Verilog or Blif format.
  • top_module (str) – The name of the top level module of the input circuit.
  • f_techmap (int, optional) – Flag specifying whether the techmap command should be executed before flattening (1) or not (0). Default value is 1.
  • f_noattr (int, optional) – Flag specifying whether the noattr flag should be used for writing the resulting circuit file (1) or not (0). Default value is 1.
  • f_call_and_remove (int, optional) – Flag specifying whether the script should be called and then removed (1) or not (0). Default value is 1.

The absolute path of the generated script file. Note that the file will be removed if the f_call_and_remove flag is set to 1.

ext_tools.yosys_interface.techmap(file_in, file_out, top_module, f_noattr=1, f_call_and_remove=1)

Creates a Yosys script that synthesizes a circuit using the techmap command.

  • file_in (str) – The absolute path to the input circuit file in Verilog or Blif format.
  • file_out (str) – The absolute path to the output circuit file in Verilog or Blif format.
  • top_module (str) – The name of the top level module of the input circuit.
  • f_noattr (int, optional) – Flag specifying whether the noattr flag should be used for writing the resulting circuit file (1) or not (0). Default value is 1.
  • f_call_and_remove (int, optional) – Flag specifying whether the script should be called and then removed (1) or not (0). Default value is 1.

The absolute path of the generated script file. Note that the file will be removed if the f_call_and_remove flag is set to 1.

ext_tools.yosys_interface.renameModule(file_in, file_out, module, new_module, f_noattr=1, f_call_and_remove=1)

Creates a Yosys script that renames a module in a circuit and writes the resulting circuit to a file.

  • file_in (str) – The absolute path to the input circuit file in Verilog or Blif format.
  • file_out (str) – The absolute path to the output circuit file in Verilog or Blif format.
  • module (str) – The name of the module to rename.
  • new_module (str) – The new name for the module.
  • f_noattr (int, optional) – Flag specifying whether the noattr flag should be used for writing the resulting circuit file (1) or not (0). Default value is 1.
  • f_call_and_remove (int, optional) – Flag specifying whether the script should be called and then removed (1) or not (0). Default value is 1.

The absolute path of the generated script file. Note that the file will be removed if the f_call_and_remove flag is set to 1.

ext_tools.yosys_interface.generateStat(file_in, file_out, f_call_and_remove=1)

Creates a Yosys script that reads a circuit and writes statistics to another file.

  • file_in (str) – The absolute path to the input circuit file in Verilog or Blif format.
  • file_out (str) – The absolute path to the output circuit file in any writable format.
  • f_call_and_remove (int, optional) – Flag specifying whether the script should be called and then removed (1) or not (0). Default value is 1.

The absolute path of the generated script file. Note that the file will be removed if the f_call_and_remove flag is set to 1.

ext_tools.yosys_interface.listModules(file_in, top_module, select_pattern='', f_call_and_remove=1)

Creates a Yosys script that reads a circuit design file and lists all modules in the circuit.

The module names are stored in a list and can be filtered by a pattern passed to the select command.

  • file_in (str) – The absolute path to the input circuit file in Verilog format.
  • top_module (str) – The name of the top level module of the input circuit.
  • select_pattern (str, optional) – The pattern by which to filter the module names. If not empty, the pattern is passed to the select command. Default value is "".
  • f_call_and_remove (int, optional) – Flag specifying whether the script should be called and then removed (1) or not (0). Default value is 1.

A list containing all module names in the input circuit matching the select_pattern.

Return type:

list of str

ext_tools.yosys_interface.runScript(file, f_run_quiet=1, f_call_and_remove=0)

Invokes Yosys and runs a script file using a subprocess call.

  • file (str) – The absolute path to the script file to execute.
  • f_run_quiet (int, optional) – Flag specifying whether the script shall be executed in quiet mode (i.e. with flag -qq) (1) or print all messages (i.e. with flag -QT) (0). Default value is 1.
  • f_call_and_remove (int, optional) – Flag specifying whether the script file shall be removed after execution (1) or not (0). Default value is 0.

The exit code of the subprocess call.